miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Cake of three chocolates

For a mold of 24 cm  
1 box of biscuits 
150gr of white chocolate 
150gr of milk chocolate 
150 gr of black chocolate 
750ml of whipping cream 
750ml of milk 
3 boxes of curd 
150gr of sugar
60 gr of butter

1. Crush the biscuits and add the butter melted before you put into the microwave. After you add into the mold, it has to be a little bit big. 

2. If you want to use different types of chocolate, you can melt the black chocolate first. Put into a large bowl 150gr of black chocolate, one box of curd, 250ml of milk, 75gr of sugar and 250 ml of whipping cream. You have to remove until you have a great cream. After you add into the mold, where the biscuits are placed. You will have to wait until you get the correct temperature. 

3. Then, it's the turn of white chocolate. Put into a pot 150gr of white chocolate, one box of curd, 250ml of milk and 250 ml of whipping cream. You do the same as with the other chocolate, you add into the mold when it is a consistent cream. 

4. Finally, it's the turn of the milk chocolate. Put into a pot 150gr of milk chocolate, one box of curd, 250ml of milk, 75gr of sugar and 250 ml of whipping cream.As it is the last step, you can put some decorations as hearts of sugar or small pieces of chocolate. 




*Alba, who is my friend, explained me this recipe. Many thanks!!

martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Omelettes with zucchinni and oats

3 eggs
200 gr of zucchini
200gr of potatoes
Sunflower oil
250gr of oats

1. First of all, chop the zucchini and the potatoes really thin. Place the mixure into a large bowl.

2. Then, add the eggs and mix with the zucchini and the potatoes.

3. When it is mixed, add the oats and mix again.

4. Put salt and pepper as much as you prefer.

5. Heat the frying pan with sunflower oil.

6. With the help of two spoons, put the mixure it in the pan. It has to look like small omelettes. 

7. Fry all the mixure in small pieces.

8. Finally, put in a plate some paper towels for dry the oil and leave it cool.


